Technical Requirements for KIPS eLearning
What do I need to run KIPS eLearning?
- You MUST have a high-speed or broadband internet connection.
A cable modem is acceptable.
- You may use either a PC, Mac or ChromeBook computer. KIPS eLearning will also run on iPhones, iPads, and Android tablets and phones, however, the screen resolution may be too small on those devices.
- The Chrome browser is preferred, but KIPS eLearning will also work on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari. On these browsers, there may be a delay in starting video playback.
- Speakers or headphones
- A Screen resolution of at least
1024 by 768 and your browser window MAXIMIZED
- If using a pop-up blocker, set it to allow pop-up for the
KIPS eLearning Website
If you need help, please refer to tech check notes below. Additionally,
you can e-mail your technical questions by clicking
here, and you will receive a prompt reply.
A window should open below and you should
see video and hear audio of children playing. If the video does not appear,
then you will need to allow Javascipt.
If you cannot hear the children's voices but can see the video, make sure your PC
speakers are on and turned up. Also make sure the audio volume for your PC is turned
up. You can adjust your PC volume by using the icon on the task bar in the lower
right-hand corner of desktop. Look for the icon that looks like this
or this
A few more things to check before you begin using KIPS eLearning
In order for everything to fit on the screen, you may need to have your
screen resolution set to at least 1024 by 768.
- If your screen
resolution is lower than 1024 by 768, all of the items in the horizontal menu will
not fit on screen.
- If your screen resolution is higher than 1024 by 768, it may be fine
for your computer system, but some users may find the higher setting
results in the play videos being too small.
Please view the test video to see what the video window size will look
For best viewing maximize the webpage. To do this click the square icon to the left
of the X in the upper most right hand corner of the browser window as
indicated by the red arrow. When your page is maximized it will show this

Each pop-up blocker is different. Most allow you to permit pop-ups from a given website. Check your pop up blocker’s instructions.
If you need more help you can e-mail your technical questions by clicking here.